Saturday, June 13, 2015

Oh So...I'm back!!

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Allison May Just Be In Love With ALMAY

I love beauty and I am extremely excited to share with you from now on what beauty related items and ideas I LOVE!! Right now you are going to find out why I, Allison, may just be in love with ALMAY! :D

With makeup, I usually find a brand or product I love and stick with it. I tend to use bareMinerals and Lancome waterproof mascara (which you will definitely see me complementing again in the near future). So it was pretty unusual for me when I was in Walgreens about two months ago and decided to spontaneously buy some ALMAY products. This is probably going to sound dumb, but the real reason I decided to buy the products was because Kate Hudson was in the advertisements and it was saying something like: "get Kate's look from the movie Something Borrowed". As you read in my earlier post OhSoCollege Must Haves! (if you haven't read it, click on the name of the post. It's a link!), I love Emily Giffin's book Something Borrowed, so I just felt this very very strong need to buy some of the products to, well.."get her look".

What did I buy? Three items:
1. Liquid eyeliner pen
2. One coat get up & grow waterproof mascara
3. Oil-free makeup eraser sticks

So maybe my reason for purchasing these products wasn't why most people would buy makeup...but who cares about the reason. All I know is that I made the right choice, which was to buy and use these items!!
Liquid Eyeliner Pen:
Okay, so when I first used this item I wasn't sure what I thought. I kinda messed up the first time and didn't feel like trying again, so I used my usual bareMinerals eyeliner instead. A couple weeks later I decided that I didn't give it enough of a chance, so I tried it again and this time I loved it! I was so excited because I wanted to have different eyeliner options. It is just like using a marker. I used it on my eyelids and it goes right on. You decide how thick or thin you want the line to be. And don't be afraid to mix it up! :)
One Coat Get Up & Grow Waterproof Mascara: 
I am a big Lancome waterproof mascara supporter, but that day when I was at Walgreens I remembered that I had run out of my favorite mascara. So I decided to try something new (I still use my lancome mascara, but now I switch it up). I was worried that this waterproof mascara might not actually be waterproof. Don't worry, it is!! Also I was worried that it would clump. Again, Don't worry, it doesn't! I love it and it is a great quality for a very affordable price. Plus it is easy to get your hands on, since it is sold in drug stores. 
Oil-Free Makeup Eraser Sticks:
Oh My Gosh!!! I Oh So Absolutely Adore this product!!! That may sound crazy to you from only looking at the picture of q-tip looking objects, but don't make up your mind just yet! These eraser sticks are miracle workers. I got this quote from the ALMAY website so that you will perfectly understand what they are: "perfect for effortlessly erasing mistakes during application without disturbing the rest of your makeup. these easy to use soft cotton tip swabs are individually filled with the best selling ALMAY  oil free eye makeup remover formula". Isn't this just amazing?? Or should I say ALMAYzing?!? So if you are applying your eyeliner and you make a mistake, all you have to do is break the end with the purple line. That causes the makeup remover to go to the other end and soak into the cotton, making it extremely easy for you to erase even the smallest mistakes. You have to try this and let me know what you think!! I am serious :)

So...I believe I have revealed to you why I, Allison, may just be in love with ALMAY. I hope you are or soon will be too!


P.S. Please Please leave comments! Here are some ideas: tell me what you like or don't like about ALMAY. What products have you used? What other makeup brands do you like? Will you try any of these products now? Or anything else you would like to say :)

ALMAY liquid eyeliner pen
ALMAY one coat get up & grow waterproof mascara
ALMAY oil-free makeup eraser sticks

Saturday, August 13, 2011

An OhSoBeautiful Transformation!!!!!! (and new OhSoApropos Topics!)

I am back with posts! Andddd I have some news...I am adding to what is OhSoApropos!!! Not only will I be writing about Summer and College, I will be adding Beauty and Fashion! I am so excited and I hope you are too :)) So to kick off my new topics, I have decided to show you how my sister's hair transformed.

My sister, Kaitlin, used to have really blonde hair and she loved it. See the pic of her in a previous post by clicking this link to OhSoYoung and imagine her hair being that color until the middle of 7th grade. Then...unexpectedly, Kaitlin's hair started turning dirty blonde and then finally to a dull, light brown color. This just was not the color for her! Finally, we realized she needed to make a change. A change that would brighten her up to be "Sunshine" again (the nickname she was given for her bright and bubbly personality and blonde hair). So what did she do?!? She went to the salon and got partial highlights!!!!

She looks absolutely BEAutiful and I am so happy to share the results with you, especially since I have added beauty to my OhSoApropos topics!




I LOVE it!! It was the perfect change to brighten her up again. Her bubbly personality will now be reinforced with her dazzling hair :) 

Have you done any hair transformations? If so, did you Do It Yourself or go to a Salon? Leave comments below! I like to dye my hair every once in a while from a box...I'll do a post on that soon!! I love salons too :D Hope you enjoyed this fun, new beauty topic post!! Let me know what beauty and fashion related posts you would love for me to do!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Oh So Sorry!!

Hello everyone! I am Oh So Sorry that I have not written a post in a whole 9 days!!! I have been super busy getting ready for college and working, but that is not an excuse. I hope to never do this again. Will you forgive me???? :)

Since I have been missing I want to give you a heads up of what you will be hearing about from me very soon. Here are a few topics (in no specific order):

  • The Garage Sale I organized
  • My summer job
  • My laptop case
  • My sister's hair highlights (including before and after pictures!)
  • My trip to Ikea
  • My new satchel bag
  • And much much more!!!
So Get Ready! Get Set! And most importantly...Get OhSoExcited!!!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Want to here how I plan on getting in shape...or how I will be Oh So Fit?!? Then you have come to the perfect place! In one of my very first blog posts Working out in the Summertime I wrote about my work out plans for the summer. One of these included participating in workout classes. I am proud to say that I have been keeping up with this!!! The classes that I have been going to mostly are STEP and BODY SCULPTING classes. I love them :D

This class can be very difficult at times, but everyone is extremely focused on learning the steps and keeping with the rhythm, that you pretty much force yourself to keep going for the whole class. I believe that classes are a great motivation, because you don't want to be the person who stops and takes a break for too long. Don't get me wrong, most people take a small break and take a drink of water and jump back into the class, but I'm just saying that the class motivates you to not give up. Sometimes when I go to the gym and workout by myself, I cut my exercise short because I become tired. In classes you know that you are only done when the class is over. 

The step classes that I attend have different moves every time I go, so that they don't become redundant and boring. Every thursday class is combination day, where our instructor teaches us steps throughout the whole class and then at the end we put it all together. This is always fun for me to see what I remember. This is probably the hardest class for me, but also the most entertaining! 

Body Sculpting:
This class focuses on sculpting the muscles in the arms, legs, and abs. We start off with some easy step movements while stretching and then lifting 5 lb weights. Legs are then incorporated with and without the arm weights. During the second half of class we get mats and work on our abs and legs. By the end of  class my body hurts in so many different places that I don't know what to do! But it is the good kind of hurt, the kind that while I feel it, I think of how proud I am that I took the time to work out and make my body healthier (do you know what I mean? :D). 

I believe that working out in these classes is an OhSoSummer, OhSoCollege, and OhSoLife thing to do (which means I am talking to EVERYONE!) I hope that all of you try these classes. Let me know if you go to workout classes, the gym, run, or anything. Tell me about your workout schedules and secrets. I would love to hear from all of you! 


P.S. Within the next few weeks I plan to take my camera to a class and take pictures to show you what my class is like! Get excited!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

ASOS: An Oh So Amazing Place To Shop!

In my Messenger Bag Post I mentioned ASOS and said that I would write a post all about this wonderful website...well today is the day!!

So anyways, I LOVE ASOS!!!! Why? Because it is Amazing! Ok don't worry that is not my only reason for loving asos. I am of course going to let you in on a few more reasons. Hopefully by the time you finish reading this post you will be rushing to check out this exceptional site.


  • Free Shipping
  • Beautiful items
    • This includes both women's and men's clothing, jewelry, purses, sunglasses, beauty products and more!
  • A range of prices
    • On the right side of the asos page you can slide a bar to include only the prices you are willing to pay. This is BRILLIANT!!! 
  • Great sales and clearance
  • It is "The World's Biggest Wardrobe
    • I can spend hours on the site, scrolling through pages and pages of items that I absolutely adore! 
Please just trust me and check out ASOS! You have nothing to lose...well maybe a few bucks after you see a must buy item, and trust me there are thousands! But isn't that worth it? I look at it as a definite gain :D 

Where do you love to shop? What are your favorite things to buy? I would love to hear from all of you! Please comment below :)



Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hi girlies! First of all, I wanted to let you know that tomorrow you will be getting a pretty long and fun blog post, so GET EXCITED!!! But today's post will be short and sweet :) I have been wanting to share some of my favorite quotes with you and have decided to start with one that I used in my senior yearbook this past year.  So here it is:

"Be who YOU are 
and say what YOU feel 
because those who mind don't matter 
and those who matter don't mind

-Dr. Seuss

I truly believe that these are words to live by! I would love for all of you to comment and leave one of your favorite quotes for me to read :D Thanks!
