This class can be very difficult at times, but everyone is extremely focused on learning the steps and keeping with the rhythm, that you pretty much force yourself to keep going for the whole class. I believe that classes are a great motivation, because you don't want to be the person who stops and takes a break for too long. Don't get me wrong, most people take a small break and take a drink of water and jump back into the class, but I'm just saying that the class motivates you to not give up. Sometimes when I go to the gym and workout by myself, I cut my exercise short because I become tired. In classes you know that you are only done when the class is over.
The step classes that I attend have different moves every time I go, so that they don't become redundant and boring. Every thursday class is combination day, where our instructor teaches us steps throughout the whole class and then at the end we put it all together. This is always fun for me to see what I remember. This is probably the hardest class for me, but also the most entertaining!
Body Sculpting:
This class focuses on sculpting the muscles in the arms, legs, and abs. We start off with some easy step movements while stretching and then lifting 5 lb weights. Legs are then incorporated with and without the arm weights. During the second half of class we get mats and work on our abs and legs. By the end of class my body hurts in so many different places that I don't know what to do! But it is the good kind of hurt, the kind that while I feel it, I think of how proud I am that I took the time to work out and make my body healthier (do you know what I mean? :D).
I believe that working out in these classes is an OhSoSummer, OhSoCollege, and OhSoLife thing to do (which means I am talking to EVERYONE!) I hope that all of you try these classes. Let me know if you go to workout classes, the gym, run, or anything. Tell me about your workout schedules and secrets. I would love to hear from all of you!
P.S. Within the next few weeks I plan to take my camera to a class and take pictures to show you what my class is like! Get excited!!!
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